Saturday, December 30, 2023

Erie's Transitway Mall 1973-1993

Erie's Transitway Mall was built in 1973, and demolished in 1993. If you'd like to know more, check out these sources:

Lou Tullio's Transitway Mall  by Debbi Lyon, Old Time Erie Feb. 14, 2014

The Complicated Saga of Downtown Erie's Transitway Mall  Ed Whitbred, B..S. Presentation at Jefferson Educational Society July 19, 2023

Transitway Mall  Erie's History and Memorabilia 

Flashback Friday – April 1993, Demolition of Transitway Mall (YourErie June 2013) 

Transitways   National Association of City Transportation Officials

Monday, November 27, 2023


~Bus Blog Erie November 25, 2024

Dated material, only kept posted for reference about evolution of this particular route. Current EMTA route info here 


Route 16 North East bus schedule changed on November 18, 2023.

Most trip times are affected, so if you use the service you'll definitely want to check it out (see link below)

The good news for people on the trip heading toward Erie, is that the won't go to Winland Foods. In other words: trip to Erie starts from Janet Miller Building, goes *straight* on 89 then straight over Rte 20 and into Erie. 

On the trip TO North East the bus *will* still go to Winland Foods 

The bus company actually is committed to service to the North East area, but I think they have been a little wobbly since the campus left. The Winland rigamarole really confused some riders, and I think EMTA could have done a better job explaining how it worked. Kudos to them for making an attempt to try to make a workplace-oriented schedule though.

Re WalMart: Looks like no more 20 minute waits at WalMart Harborcreek.

MyStop app for real time tracker and alerts

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

October 2023 events & meetings

Oct 2-8 - Week Without Driving challenge National event: "We created the Week Without Driving challenge so that policy makers, elected leaders and transportation professionals can begin to understand the barriers nondrivers experience in accessing our communities." Host: Disability Rights Washington 

Oct 19 - EMTA Quality Assurance meeting 12:30pm via Zoom info and RSBP Chris Gerhart

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

August 2023 ~ Meetings & Events

August 9 - MPO Technical Advisory Committee 10am  In person at Summit Twp Municipal Bldg, 1230 Townhall Rd West, Erie, PA.  Zoom at or +1 (305) 224-1968 Meeting ID: 87208957013.

August 15 - East Side Active Transportation Study meeting 4pm in-person. Erie Western PA Port Authority 1 Holland Street Erie PA

August 28 - EMTA Monthly Board Meeting   4pm

August 31 - Benevolent Beers: BikeErie. Host: Erie Ale Works and BikeErie. Benefits BikeErie project for bike racks for businesses

At Lake Erie Cyclefest

Monday, July 10, 2023

Accessibility at Liberty Park

I took some photos at the Liberty Park area to show architectural accessibility. 
This is where 8 Great Tuesdays concerts happen, but you can visit anytime.
Photos show:
🔷  The area is modern and heavily paved. Paved areas connect to each other smoothly.
🔷. Two sets of porta-johns (one in parking lot, the other ar Northeast corner of park), both have a wheelchair accessible version.
🔷  There are inside bathrooms in Park & Ride building where concert shuttle leaves people off. 
These days may only be open with certain events.
🔷. Water faucet for filling bottles and cups, by playground
🔷. Pink unit in playground is for nursing mothers.  
🔷  Great venue but little protection from sun so bring your own as needed.
🔷  I didn't take photos of playground because kids were playing there.
🔷. I don't know the situation for wheelchairs and shuttle buses.

I counted 400 paces from Park and Ride building to park entrance. Persons with walkers and canes will probably be better off arriving in the parking lot

Entrance from sidewalk is smooth
portable toilets in paved parking lot

nursing station in playground, paved access

Water faucet. Accessible height but button may be an issue if hand/arm strength is an issue. Restrooms shown in background help give bearings. Surface in front of faucet is paved 

Drinking water on left side, accessible restroom on right. 

Much of the audience sits on the grassy hill.

Paved area in front of stage. 


Entrance to path from parking lot.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

EMTA Rider Alerts for April 2023

Below are Email alerts for April, click/tap on image to enlarge. 

Also wondering why the May 6 changes weren't announced on the sent alerts, or maybe I missed it?

I signed up to get the text alerts. I couldn't figure out whyI didn't start getting them till 10am and didn't pay attention to preferred times to receive alerts. So, be aware of that when you sign up. 

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

May is national bike month

May 9 - Bike Safety at Lincoln Branch Library In-Person 10am Lincoln Branch Library Erie PA   Overview of bike safety w/ Q&A. Free, registration required, helmets are available to program participants upon request. Teens, adults, seniors.

Bike Erie is a local group that does advocacy, awareness, and activities related aspects of cycling (commuting, recreation, cargo, etc.)

Monday, April 10, 2023

April 20: Meeting Transportation Council for Elderly & Disabled

Online event by Erie Metropolitan Transit Authority

Public · Anyone on or off Facebook

Anyone interested in participating can request an invite and an agenda by emailing Chris at

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

EMTA Rider Alerts for March 2023

Here are the EMTA rider alerts for March (see photos below)

Rider notifications these days are the best I've seen, kudos to the company for keeping riders informed.

There seem to be two different streams for the alerts, though I don't know. If that is so, hopefully they are integrated so there aren't any gaps. 

Alerts posted are on EMTA's Facebook or twitterwebsite homepageMyStop phone page. To get alerts to your email account sign up for alerts through the EMTA website. 

It looks like EMTA actually is offering text alerts as well. Sign up for text alerts here.

It also looks like they are offering the option to only receive selected routes. Check it out and let us know what your think. 

I've tried to be accurate but if there are inaccuracies in this update, please make me aware of them and I will make  correction. 

Alerts for March 2023
(click to enlarge)


Tuesday, April 4, 2023

April 2023

there are two of these calendars because of an issue with publishing one of them 

Apr 5 - National Walking Day 

Apr 12 - PennDOT 12-Year Program (TYP) Public Forum "The State Transportation Commission (STC) conducts an Online Public Forum every two years as part of the Public Comment Period for the update of the 12-Year Program (TYP). The Online Public Forum is on Wednesday, April 12, 2023, from 6:30 - 8:00 PM. Join our email list to receive notifications about public meetings."

April 20: Meeting Transportation Council for Elderly & Disabled Online event by EMTA  URL:  Public · Anyone on or off Facebook THE TRANSPORTATION COUNCIL FOR THE ELDERLY AND DISABLED OF ERIE COUNTY will be hosted via Zoom on April 20th at 12:30PM. Anyone interested in participating can request an invite and an agenda by emailing Chris at

Apr 22 - Earth Day 

Apr  24 - EMTA Monthly Board Meeting 4pm via Zoom "Attendees are required to register for the Board Meeting no later than the Thursday prior before 12:00 pm for a private link to the Zoom meeting. Attendees must email their name, email, and phone number to for access to the meeting. Public comments can be emailed to by the Friday prior to the meeting date. Public Comments will be recorded in the Minutes. The public is now allowed address comments during the ‘Public Comment’ section at the beginning of the meeting. We will notify the public once in person meetings are allowed." 

Apr 26 Bike Safety at Millcreek Branch Library 10:00am - 11:30am " Learn what to looks for to make sure your bike is safe to ride. Ask questions about bike safety and basic maintenance. Registration required. Free to attend. Helmets are available to program participants upon request."

May 1 - 31 - National Bike Month

Upcoming meetings & Events ~ April 2023

Apr 4 - Active Transportation Plan Study Session 

Apr 5 - National Walking Day 

Apr 12 - PennDOT 12-Year Program (TYP) Public Forum "The State Transportation Commission (STC) conducts an Online Public Forum every two years as part of the Public Comment Period for the update of the 12-Year Program (TYP). The Online Public Forum is on Wednesday, April 12, 2023, from 6:30 - 8:00 PM. Join our email list to receive notifications about public meetings."

April 20: Meeting Transportation Council for Elderly & Disabled Online event by EMTA  URL:  Public · Anyone on or off Facebook THE TRANSPORTATION COUNCIL FOR THE ELDERLY AND DISABLED OF ERIE COUNTY will be hosted via Zoom on April 20th at 12:30PM. Anyone interested in participating can request an invite and an agenda by emailing Chris at

Apr 22 - Earth Day 

Apr  24 - EMTA Monthly Board Meeting 4pm via Zoom "Attendees are required to register for the Board Meeting no later than the Thursday prior before 12:00 pm for a private link to the Zoom meeting. Attendees must email their name, email, and phone number to for access to the meeting. Public comments can be emailed to by the Friday prior to the meeting date. Public Comments will be recorded in the Minutes. The public is now allowed address comments during the ‘Public Comment’ section at the beginning of the meeting. We will notify the public once in person meetings are allowed." 

Apr 26 Bike Safety at Millcreek Branch Library 10:00am - 11:30am " Learn what to looks for to make sure your bike is safe to ride. Ask questions about bike safety and basic maintenance. Registration required. Free to attend. Helmets are available to program participants upon request."

May 1 - 31 - National Bike Month

Click/tap here for Erie MPO Organization meeting schedule 

Monday, March 6, 2023

Upcoming Meetings & Events ~ March 2023

Mar 9 - America Walks webinar:: Walking, Biking, and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: What You and Your Community Need to Know 02:00 PM  Registration "Join the partners of the Intersections Initiative (America Walks, the League of American Bicyclists, and Safe Routes Partnership) to learn about new federal programs for walking and biking infrastructure, the upcoming opportunities you need to know about, and the initial steps you can take to prepare your community to apply for funding." 

March 20 - EMTA Recruitment event  10am -2pm Northwest PA CareerLink (1647 Sassafrass St, Erie

March 25 - Rad Swap Meet 11am - 4pm Basement Transmissions 145 W 11th St., Bikes, bike parts, riding gear, etc.  Erie. Pre-Swap Ride leaves Griswold Park at 9am  

Mar 27 - EMTA Monthly Board Meeting 4pm via Zoom "Attendees are required to register for the Board Meeting no later than the Thursday prior before 12:00 pm for a private link to the Zoom meeting. Attendees must email their name, email, and phone number to for access to the meeting. Public comments can be emailed to by the Friday prior to the meeting date. Public Comments will be recorded in the Minutes. The public is now allowed address comments during the ‘Public Comment’ section at the beginning of the meeting. We will notify the public once in person meetings are allowed."

Sunday, February 26, 2023

A month's worth of EMTA email rider alerts

I have been trying out the EMTA email rider alerts that you can sign up for in MyStop. 

The alerts are the same as those posted on the MyStop site, except they come to your email.

There is a text option but it was not working in the three times I signed up. I'm not sure what the problem is, but if it is available, EMTA needs to activate it, since a lot of riders would find it more useful than the emails.

I tried it out in three different email accounts. The screenshot below was from an account I signed up for January 26, 2023, and I stopped it at February 26. As far as I can I received them all, though it seemed like there was a curious gap for a couple weeks, maybe everything was running smoothly. 

Delivery issues

Alerts coming to each of the three email accounts had delivery issues. Outlook and Gmail sometimes delivered the alerts to another file. Yahoo Mail is still posting every single alert at 12:00 AM. ... every single one. None of them ended up in Spam so far. Again, having the text alert option might eliminate this goofiness.

Another advantage to alerts delivered to your device

Having an alert delivered to your device gives you a record of an issue that might have caused you a problem with getting somewhere. Your employer, instructor, doctor, etc., might accept your excuse a little more readily if you show them the alert that made you late. The alerts on the MyStop page disappear as soon as they are over, but you have the alert as a record. 

Click here for instructions on how to sign up for alerts

Click to enlarge  

Monday, February 13, 2023

Upcoming meetings & events Feb 2023

Feb 15 - Public meeting to review/comment on draft Greengarden Bikeway Project  5:30 p.m. at Erie City Hall in the City Council chambers. : "City of Erie and its consultant team from Whitman, Requardt and Associates (WRA) will host a public meeting to review the draft Greengarden Boulevard Bikeway Project and receive comments from the public. Streamed live thru City of Erie Facebook page Info: 

Feb 21 - Sidewalks for Summit Township Summit Township Supervisors hereby gives notice of intent to amend Ordinance #2019-04, Sidewalks, at the Regular Business meeting on February 21, 2023, at 4:30 pm. The proposed amendment revises requirements for sidewalks and obligations for property owners. Meeting will be held at the Municipal Building, 1230 Townhall Rd, Erie, PA 16509. A complete copy of the proposed Ordinance may be examined, during regular business hours (8 am – 4 pm), Monday through Friday.Lisa A. Vallimont, Secretary

Feb 26 - BikeErie event: We Love Bikes at Julius 
1607 State Erie PA 5pm "Join us for an evening of food, socializing, and a panel discussion on the state of biking in Erie at Julius, formerly the Erie Maennerchor club. Free for members, $10 for non-members, includes food. Raffles and a cash bar!"

Feb 27 - EMTA Monthly Board meeting 4:00 pm via Zoom "Attendees are required to register for the Board Meeting no later than the Thursday prior before 12:00 pm for a private link to the Zoom meeting. Attendees must email their name, email, and phone number to for access to the meeting. Public comments can be emailed to by the Friday prior to the meeting date. Public Comments will be recorded in the Minutes. The public is now allowed address comments during the ‘Public Comment’ section at the beginning of the meeting. We will notify the public once in person meetings are allowed."

Image by pch.vector on Freepik

Thursday, January 26, 2023

EMTA email alerts

So apparently the MyStop tracking system can does actually give you email alerts. 

I tried when it was first set up five (?) years ago  and had issues with it, then tried it again a few years later and had a different issue. I got the impression it was a dud, so I gave up. 

On a hunch, I tried it again recently with a couple less-used email accounts. 

They both sent me email alerts, but with an odd difference. 

The Yahoo email only posted them at exactly 12AM.
The Outlook email seems to post them in real time. Now, I just signed up for the Outlook email, but if it actually works, that would be great. 
I originally signed up in Google, but never received anything using that email . 
Is it possible there is an issue with which email service you use? 

The email alerts are the same as the ones that are posted on MyStop. 

I have tried out about 20 different email alerts and this isn't my favorite, but at least it is an alert system.

You can sign up from the MyStop page (upper right-hand corner). In the photos I am attempting a walk-through of sign up from a desktop. I'll attempt one from the phne app please have at it!  

If anyone wants details about the issues I experienced, email me.  I avoided getting into details to make this more readable.

Click on photos to enlarge

Go to MyStop page. Up in the right hand corner where it says Log In, that's where you register

If you have never registered, click where it says "Sign up here" (lower right). DON'T use the same password you use for your email.

Here is where you sign up. I think the reason they ask you for your name is because email without a name sometimes ends up in spam. Since I had already used my real name on the Yahoo email sign up, I gave myself a false name with the Outlook test sign up. If it causes problems,, I can go back and put in my real name. 

This is supposed to help you fine tune which alerts you get, but I couldn't get it to work. I will play around with it later, but I want to get this posted. i assume if you don't specify anything here you will get all alerts, and there aren't that many total alerts, so at this point it's not a big deal. 


To avoid having your alert dumped into the spam folder, you can put it on a whitelist that instructs your email account to always accept emails from that address. 

Delivery time
Alerts should arrive in real time, like the ones I received today in my Outlook account:

If you are receiving them late like in my Yahoo email (midnight deliveries, see photo below) I'd like to hear your experiences, or if you have a fix that would be good to know as well.   

Saturday, January 14, 2023

January 2023 events

January 16 - Erie News Now reporter Isley Gooden visited the Freedom Rides Museum in Alabama that commemorates the 1961 Freedom Rides to desegregate intercity buses and depots in the South. .
Airs Monday January 16 at 7:30pm on WICU

January 19 - THE TRANSPORTATION COUNCIL FOR THE ELDERLY AND DISABLED OF ERIE COUNTY will be hosted via Zoom on January 19th at 12:30PM. Anyone interested in participating can request an invite and an agenda by emailing Chris at Agenda can be found at ED-Agenda-Jan-2023-002.pdf (

January 23 - The EMTA Board regular meetings at 4:00 p.m. via Zoom. All meetings are open to the general public.
Please email to request the meeting link.
Board meeting agendas can be found at

Photo: Public domain