Thursday, April 19, 2018


This comment is beyond ignorant. 
It was left on the the EMTA Facebook page, in response to the announcement that there would be no Easter service.
Anyway, by all means good to consider limited holiday service, especially on holidays where people want to be with their loved ones. A skeleton crew providing some really basic coverage would be welcome to those who need to be with family or  who have to work on holidays. Would people actually use it? That would be good to find out. (By the way, I am not sure the person who posted the gripe-message is even a passenger). 
No reason to mandate anything. Drivers deserve to enjoy a full holiday too. Some people prefer to work on a holiday--more hours, maybe no family in town, maybe they welcome getting away from  family. My family is all far away, so I often welcomed the chance to work holidays and pick up some extra $$$ No need to ruin the holidays of those drivers who cherish them.
Just tossing some thoughts out there. Worth a careful look.