Monday, August 22, 2016

I ask drivers about new schedules and it ain't pretty

On Monday Aug. 22 I asked drivers on several routes about the new schedules.
The schedules go into effect August 27. The paper schedules were supposed to be out a week ahead of time. Anyway, these are the responses from five random drivers.And yes I am quoting them verbatim, they were that similar.

"They haven't told us anything. It's all screwed up."
Driver 2
"They haven't told us anything. And we need to know so we can sign up."

Driver 3
"I don't know, you'll have to check with the office. I haven't seen 'em."

Driver 4
"I don't know. They wouldn't be on the bus anyway. Check with the office or Intermodal."

Driver 5
[sarcastic laugh]. "We're just today able to sign up. It's so screwed up. Nobody knows what's going on, and there's nobody who can explain what's going on."

 Photo: see if you can find the notification of schedule changes.
Hint: it's hiding!

1 comment:

  1. I have been saying consistently, E.M.T.A, is sorely mismanaged! Everyone in the top office should be presented with a pnk slip! The County Executive should have given the Mayor an opportunity to share with us all the plan that he said was in place several weeks ago.
